Insights on trending topics Hassle-free daily operations with READy Save time, costs and resources with hosted READy meter reading. By specifying READy for your next building or meter exchange, you help your customers’ property management to hassle-free daily operations. Welcome easier workday Are water metering and billing taking up too much of your time? Do meter reading, follow-ups or leaks/bursts cause unnecessary costs and servicing in the properties you manage and their residents? Let us make your workday easier for you. Prepared for the GDPR? Discover how the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sharpens data protection requirements. And how it increases the responsibility you have due to working with consumption reading. Goodbye to mechanical water meters Goodbye to mechanical meters. Hello to smart metering! Read our 5 reasons why you should choose an ultrasonic meter over a mechanical meter. Goodbye to mechanical heat meters Say goodbye to mechanical heat meters and hello to the benefits of smart meters. In today's digital world, good is no longer good enough.
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