It's time to know more about district heating
Heating and cooling of buildings is one of the most energy intensive demands in our society. Meeting climate and efficiency goals for heating and cooling calls for a sustainable strategy that combines increased use of renewable energy while efficiently ensuring the security of supply.
To optimise existing district heating networks for higher efficiency, and to integrate the growing number of fluctuating heat sources into the distribution network takes exact knowledge. Real knowledge based on ongoing insight into flow, temperatures, and actual system capacity. And real knowledge on how to maintain and utilise the assets in the best possible way.
Whether it's about knowing how to manage and forecast production or knowing exactly at how low a temperature you can run the grid, intelligent metering solutions and frequent data provide the insights and tools needed to connect data across the entire value chain and put the right knowledge in place for daily operations as well as for long-term planning and maintenance.
It's time to improve how energy is produced, managed, and distributed. It's time to know!
Smart heat metering by Kamstrup

Product quality at its finest
Discover the breadth of our product quality as we go far beyond industry regulations to deliver unmatched metering solutions of the exceptional standard that our customers expect from us. At Kamstrup, we don’t guess. We engineer.
Inspiration for an optimised network
We dive into how district heating can be the key enabler of a green transition, the value of smart meter data, integration between different energy sources, and how digitalisation is bringing the sector into the 4th generation. Let’s explore the benefits of district heating.

Value of data
You cannot optimise what you do not measure. Data from intelligent meters and remote reading can provide transparency and insights.
The more data you have, the more value you can create.The only question is - what benefits do your business need now - and in the future?
NEXT step
Your distribution network
Your overview
Your value
Either you look at your supply business with a bit of breathlessness over all the many new demands and challenges. Or you also see amazing opportunities for creating new value.
No matter where you are going and no matter what ambitions you have for your utility, your next step is always the most important one.

The energy efficient heat supply
District heating is facing a new energy reality – a reality in which smart metering provides the basis for high energy efficiency by adding data-based knowledge to district heating.
Download our white paper and take a closer look at what characterizes the intelligent energy system and explore the importance of efficiency and transparency – all the way to the end user.