Policies & Certificates
At Kamstrup, we are committed to our values and the ongoing enhancement of quality, information security, legal metrology, sustainability standards within people, environment, and health and safety management. In our daily operations, we prioritize 'Safety First!' and continuously strive to improve environmental and people development, quality, metrology and information security. We adhere to legislation and other relevant requirements while fulfilling our customers' needs and expectations.

Below you find policies, certificates and other relevant documents connected to the topics.
Frequently asked questions
What are ISO certificates?
ISO certificates are documents issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that certify an organisation's compliance with specific international standards related to quality management (ISO 9001), environmental management (ISO 14001), and occupational health and safety management (ISO 45001).
What are the benefits of ISO certification?
ISO certification can bring several benefits to organisations, including enhanced credibility and reputation, improved customer satisfaction, increased operational efficiency, better risk management, compliance with regulations, and access to new business opportunities. ISO certification can also help organisations demonstrate their commitment to quality, environmental sustainability, and occupational health and safety to stakeholders, including customers, partners, and regulators.
Quality management
Kamstrup manufactures quality products and solutions with the clear ambition of revolutionizing the supply of clean water and energy through intelligence.
We are a valued partner and are proudly committed to deliver Quality solutions that meet our customer’s requirements and expectations – creating a high level of customer satisfaction is core to everything we do.
What is ISO 9001?
ISO 9001 certification is a globally recognized standard for quality management systems.
It provides guidelines for organizations to establish and maintain processes that ensure their products or services consistently meet customer requirements and enhance customer satisfaction. ISO 9001 certification demonstrates an organization's commitment to quality and continuous improvements.
Accreditation management
Kamstrup's laboratory for calibration of electricity-, heat-, cooling- and water meters is accredited by DANAK (Denmark) in accordance with ISO 17025.
DANAK is a member of the EA (European cooperation for Accreditation) and ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation).
DANAK is the Danish accreditation body – appointed by the Danish Safety Technology Authority, which is part of the Danish Ministry of Business and Growth.
Kamstrup performs verification and calibration of electricity-, heat-, cooling- and water meters in accordance with our accreditations.
Kamstrup is certified according to the EU Measuring Instrument Directive (MID-2014/32/EC) Module D and holds verification authorization from a large number of governments from countries outside the EU.
What is ISO 17025?
ISO 17025 is a globally recognised standard for accreditation of testing and calibration laboratories. This standard allows laboratories to demonstrate that they operate competently and generate valid results.
Information security management
We commit to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and the right to privacy of all customers as well as employees, hereunder the availability of physical and electronic information assets to ensure that regulatory, operational, and contractual requirements are fulfilled.
We integrate security in our development process which means that meters, systems, and processes are designed in a way where the security surrounding our data is at the highest level.
What is ISO 27001?
ISO 27001 is a globally recognised standard for information security. It sets guidelines for an effective information security management system with focus on processes, technology, and people. ISO 27001 certification demonstrates commitment to protecting employees and stakeholders from information theft.
Health & safety management
The health and safety of our employees is of key concern to Kamstrup.
We have developed a comprehensive health and safety policy including internal management processes that outlines our approach and sets clear processes, procedures, and instructions for our employees and visitors to follow.
The framework covers various aspects, including risk assessment, hazard identification, emergency preparedness, training, development, incident reporting and continuous improvements. It is the foundation to create a safe working culture at Kamstrup and serves as a reference for all employees to understand their responsibilities in maintaining a safe and healthy work environment.
We are certified and follow an ISO 45001 certified framework since 2007 to proactively ensure a high safety level across the organisation.
What is ISO 45001?
ISO 45001 is a globally recognised standard for occupational health and safety management systems. It works as a guideline for organisations that want to establish and maintain processes that ensure a safe and healthy work environment, prevent work-related injuries and illnesses, and comply with occupational health and safety regulations. ISO 45001 certification demonstrates commitment to the health and safety of its employees and stakeholders.
Environmental management
We are certified and follow ISO 14001 framework combined with an annual energy review in accordance with ISO 50001 § 6.3, to proactively ensure a high environmental performance level and management across the organisation.
Environmental management framework and policy outlines our approach to reduce significant environmental impacts e.g.: Reduce footprint, foster circular thinking, and promote sustainability in all aspects of our operations. It sets clear processes, procedures, and instructions to ensure monitorisation of environmental data, risks, corrective action plans and to support sustainable development.
What is ISO 14001?
ISO 14001 is a globally recognised standard for environmental management systems. It provides guidelines for organisations to follow when establishing and maintaining processes aimed at minimising their environmental impact, complying with environmental regulations, and continually improving their environmental performance. ISO 14001 certification demonstrates commitment to environmental sustainability.