Heat Intelligence
- Get a complete overview of the heat distribution in your network
- Achieve full transparency down to individual buildings and pipe sections
- Identify the biggest heat loss causes
- Monitor the actual load and capacity in your network

Unlock the black box of your distribution network
The value of your smart meter data goes far beyond accurate billing. The challenge so far has been to unlock its full potential, but with the right tools you can turn your heat meter data into actionable insights.
By combining facts about your distribution network (pipe length, dimension, insulation, etc.) with data directly from your smart meters, Kamstrup’s web-based analytics platform, Heat Intelligence, provides insights and a new level of transparency into your distribution network – without having to invest in additional sensors in the field.

When you know what happens under ground
Heat Intelligence is automatically updated and recalculated daily with the latest data from your distribution network. Continuous monitoring enables you to spot negative trends so that you can react faster and enables you to target your efforts and resources.
With this new heat intelligence, you can effectively go from imagining “What if” to knowing “How to”.
Heat Intelligence helps Aars reduce heat loss
Aars District Heating, Denmark
The Heat Intelligence analytical tool combines data from the heat meters with facts about the pipes, including length, dimension and insulation to calculate temperatures, flow and deviations. The tool helped Aars dramatically reduce its number of bypasses, lower return temperatures by 1.5oC in some areas and reduce annual heat loss by 7.8 MWh per customer, in a low performing area.

Is it time to optimise your district heating network?
Learn more about how heat Intelligence can provide unique insight into your distribution network
- Let Heat Intelligence help you reduce heat loss
- It's time to reduce forward temperatures
- How can you optimise pressure in your district heating distribution network?
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