Is it time to optimise your district heating network?

Explore three key strategies to enhance district heating systems. You can reduce heat loss, lower supply temperature, or optimize heat pressure to obtain an even more sustainable and cost-effective solution.

Watch how Grenaa Varmeværk uses Heat Intelligence

District heating plays a vital role in the green transition. This means that heat utilities have a focus on lowering carbon emissions by phasing out fossil fuels and replacing carbon-based energy sources with green alternatives.

To fully take advantage of the new energy sources, reduce emissions, and save costs, optimising the distribution is a top priority for many utilities.

At the same time, many utilities are presented with new challenges as they in the coming years will expand their distribution networks rapidly as households will replace individual gas boilers with district heating. Is your distribution network ready for this challenge? Heat Intelligence will help you to monitor how your network is performing as you add new households to it, for example to identify bottlenecks that might occur.

With Kamstrup's Heat Intelligence utilities have the full picture of pressure, flow, as well as supply and return temperatures, everywhere in the network.

Below, you'll find examples of how Heat Intelligence can help utilities meet today's demands for energy efficiency in the district heating network.

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Heat Intelligence in a few words

Heat Intelligence is a web-based analytics platform that provides unique insight into your distribution network. It combines facts about your pipe network (pipe length, dimension, insulation, etc.) with data from your smart meters to create a detailed view of what goes on in your distribution network.

Heat Intelligence uses huge amounts of data collected by smart meters to monitor load and capacity and identify what stresses your network. This can help you reduce heat loss, lower temperatures in the heating system, or optimise pressure in the network. And it can help you prioritise pipe sections where you will get the best return on your investment by adjusting, repairing, or replacing old pipe sections with new ones. Furthermore, Heat Intelligence helps to analyze on both network and household level.

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Let Heat Intelligence help you reduce heat loss

By identifying reasons for unnecessary heat loss, you save on both heating expenses and CO2 emissions.

But detecting errors and opportunities for optimising installations in your network is a difficult and time-consuming process. See how Heat Intelligence can help you easily and quickly identify typical signs of unnecessary heat loss.

It's time to reduce supply temperatures

The green transition moves utilities towards low temperature energy sources, like heat pumps and solar panels.

Heat Intelligence helps you locate opportunities for optimising the distribution network in order to lower the supply temperature and still deliver sufficient heat.

How can you optimise pressure in your district heating distribution network?

Because utilities do not monitor the pressure everywhere in the distribution network, they sometimes operate with too high pressure to be sure to provide enough heat to all households, basically exceeding heat demand with excess heat.

By getting an overview of pressure, pressure loss and differential pressure everywhere in the network, you might identify opportunities for lowering the pressure and still live up to your obligations.

With Heat Intelligence, you get full transparency of the pressure everywhere in the distribution network, allowing you to optimise your heat distribution.

Heat Intelligence helps you collect data for an efficient district heating network

When the utility easily can identify sections and households with unnecessary heat loss, it can focus on identifying and remediating the problems and thereby enable you to produce and distribute less hot water while still living up to your obligations to consumers.

In conclusion

  • Heat Intelligence can help you find problems in your district heating network.
  • Heat Intelligence can help you prioritise needed repairs and maintenance.
  • Heat Intelligence can help identify specific pain points, such as heat loss, reducing temperature, and optimizing pressure in the distribution network.

If you would like to talk to us about Heat intelligence, you can request a call-back right here.

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