It’s time to know about building performance

With intelligent metering, it's easy for residential and commercial property management to support the green transition and live up to current and future regulations. Based on remote metering, its' possible to maintain a complete overview of the water, heat/cooling, and electricity consumption.
A solution from Kamstrup offers flexible configuration and a simple system integration that enables precise management of the building’s water and energy consumption. Real knowledge and data-based insights increase energy efficiency, make it easier to identify faulty installations and ensure quick detection of leaks and excessive consumption, increasing the green performance of the building.
Automatic data collection from meters also means that cost allocation is based on actual consumption rather than estimates, making the process of preparing for billing of tenants or allocating costs to specific areas or buildings both easier and more accurate.
It's time to get the full picture. It's time to know!
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Smart metering inspiration
Goodbye to mechanical meters
Understanding the many aspects of what makes a good meter investment is not the easiest of tasks. But looking beyond merely the size of the initial investment, there is a lot to win – both in terms of saving time, money and energy. Do you know why it is time to say goodbye to the mechanical meter and hello to the benefits of smart metering?
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