READy Mobile Reading
Say goodbye to manual readings and read your meters remotely from your car
Collect your data on the go
With READy Mobile Reading, you can easily read the utility's meters remotely directly from your car. As you read the meters, you automatically gain access to both consumption data and any alarms or info codes regarding leakages and other irregularities in your distribution network.
You simply drive around your supply area with an Android smartphone or tablet and a small converter unit. The reading is handled intuitively via the READy App and takes place automatically while you drive. The meters are automatically located on a map on your smartphone. When you drive, the map automatically displays the nearby meters and shows, which are being read and which remain to be read.
Build your reading solution
When the reading is complete, a simple push of a button securely transfers the meter data to READy Manager, which is an accompanying Meter Data Management program that keeps track of and stores your meter data for further use.
If you start out with mobile reading, you can expand your solution and combine your regular readings via drive-by used for billing with more frequent data from selected strategically important meters. You can also easily expand to a network solution – one area at a time or all areas at once. This can be done completely at your own pace and to the extent, which suits you.

How it works
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More opportunities with READy
A READy system can be fitted to meet your needs in terms of data collection and frequency. Depending on your situation, the remote reading of your meters can take place in several ways and you can easily upgrade from one setup to another as your needs change.
If you have READy Mobile Reading, you can increase the data collection frequency of selected strategically important meters or sensors without the cost and planning required to establish a full communications network for your entire distribution area. You simply combine your regular drive by readings with our small-scale data collection units such as the READy MiniConcentrator or the READy 4G Bridge placed at strategic customers or at strategic locations in your supply area.
If you are interested in more extensive data analysis of for example your water loss, you can also easily upgrade to a fixed READy Network. Completely at your own pace and to the extent that suits you - in one area at a time or in all areas at once.
Keep track of your data
The handling of your meters and meter data takes place in READy Manager. You get easy access to your data as well as a broad range of tools that give you an overview of and help you utilize your meter data. Consumption data can be exported to your billing system or an email address as needed, either manually or via automated commands.
READy Manager has a simple user interface with a start screen and icon-based navigation that makes the program intuitive and easy to use. You can group your meters in READy Manager to get an overview of the consumption and other parameters in different parts of your distribution network. You can create groups based on geography or create groups of customers where you wish to follow the consumption closely.

Customer references
The value of your smart meter data goes far beyond accurate billing. The challenge so far has been to utilise its full potential, but with the right tools, you can do just that and transform your meter data into actionable insights.
Dive in to our customer world and find inspiration from colleagues, who have tested our solutions and reaped the benefits.
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