flowIQ® 3200

  • Ultrasonic precision for up to 20 years
  • Pinpoint accuracy across flow range
  • Minimized water loss with district meter data
  • Accurate billing of large consumers
flowIQ3200 DN50 cold

    One meter. Many applications. 

    Choose your application and learn how innovative Kamstrup metering solutions can help support your business.

    Watch video

    Eliminate non-revenue water

    Non-Revenue Water is many things. Smart metering helps you identify and deal with different kinds of water loss, and it is an effective tool in the fight to beat the leak. Watch our movie about the connection between NRW and smart metering or click on to read more.

    How do ultrasonic meters work?

    Kamstrup’s smart water meters are based on the latest ultrasonic technology that ensures high accuracy and reliability throughout the entire lifetime. Built without any moving parts, the meter also allows for completely flexible mounting and offers extreme low start flows and secured hygiene. For more than 30 years, Kamstrup has produced ultrasonic meters with unrelenting precision whether they are installed in the cold of Iceland or the heat of the Middle East. While the benefits are convincing, you might wonder how measuring water with ultrasound actually works. Join us on a tour inside our meter and learn just that.

    Customer references

    Smart water metering is an intelligent enabler for improving consumer relations and optimizing operations. It is about quality management, revenue protection, asset management and Non-Revenue Water. About being able to make the right choices and chose the right investments.

    Dive in to our customer world and find inspiration from colleagues, who have tested our solutions and reaped the benefits.

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