READy Heat/cooling

  • Collect data automatically or via drive-by
  • Detect leakages or unusual consumption levels
  • Access consumption data whenever it suits you
READy Manager laptop man

    Making sense of your meter readings 

    READy is an effective solution for collecting and accessing extensive and reliable data about your heat/cooling distribution to end-users and their consumption.

    The solution includes different options for remote reading of your meters, which can be combined and replaced by others to fit both current and future needs. Common to all options are an efficient collection of data and the use of individual encryption keys to ensure a secure transfer of data.

    Once collected, READy makes it easy to access, navigate and act on the collected data. Among its many features are the organisation of data into groups and the presentation of data in tables, graphs and reports as well as event notification via email, SMS and alert symbols.

    READy also provides tools for data analysis and day-to-day operations including a smooth data flow with other parts of your business, such as automatic import and export jobs, creating your own export formats and API access to your data.

    Depending on your preferences, READy comes in either a local or a hosted solution. If you choose a hosted solution, meter data is stored and kept safe at Kamstrup. If you choose a local solution, meter data is stored locally on your own computer. It is also possible to let Kamstrup to take care of the entire operation of READy.

    The value of data 

    You cannot optimise what you do not measure.  

    Data collection with READy

    Explore the range of data collection options available for READy.

    Digitalisation delivers measurable results 

    ”By optimising our network operations we have, over the last few years, saved 2,500-3,000 MWh – that’s approx. 2.5% – and reduced pipeline losses by 12%”

    Marc Roar Hintze, CEO, Assens District Heating.

    Operations optimisation and improved customer service with remote reading

    Assens Water Supply and Assens District Heating, Denmark  

    A common focus on the best possible use of resources and good customer service formed the basis for the two utilities collaborating on the READy network reading of water and heat meters. In addition to halving the costs associated with establishing the radio network, the cooperation resulted in a doubling of the solution’s benefits.

    Small utilities have to be smart 

    Överkalix Värmeverk, Sweeden  

    Överkalix Värmeverk combines traditional fixed network reading of its heat and water meters with inventive drive-by reading via a garbage truck. The result is extremely efficient meter reading at a minimum of costs and resources – and a huge potential as the basis for future optimisations.

    Let’s get the conversation started 

    How can we help you today?