• Fully programmable data logger with minute loggers
  • 2 second integration interval
  • 4 communication modules
  • 7 or 8 digit display resolution
MULTICAL 803 front HC GB

    One meter. Many applications.

    Choose your industry and learn how innovative Kamstrup metering solutions can help support your business.

    No loss of data

    Extensive data logging and battery back-up

    Just like its predecessor MULTICAL® 801, the MULTICAL® 803 has info loggers providing information on events such as leakage, burst or power failure. This means easier troubleshooting, tamper detection and analysis of the amount of energy consumed. Moreover, the info logger in MULTICAL® 803 enables a complete leak detection for quick corrective actions.In addition, the integrated battery back-up ensures that when the power is cut, the meter will continue to calculate energy for up to 6 years so no precious energy data is lost.

    Intelligent District Heating

    District Heating Aarhus, Denmark

    After replacing more than half of its 56,000 meters with Kamstrup smart meters, the district heating supplier of Denmark’s second largest city, AffaldVarme Aarhus, has already reduced its water loss by 100 m3 a day. The utility expects to halve the payback period on its EUR 33 million investment with further optimisations based on frequent data.

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