After a negotiation process, Göteborg Energi in Sweden has signed a contract with Kamstrup for a turnkey smart metering solution, which improves customer service, increases efficiency in the electricity grid and supports the green transition. Kamstrup’s latest technology including NB-IoT is one of the cornerstones in Göteborg Energi’s new solution. As one of the world leading suppliers of intelligent solutions for energy and water metering, Kamstrup builds on their long-term investment in quality with this project.


In 2025 a new legislation for electricity meters in Sweden will come into force, pushing utilities like Göteborg Energi to replace their 275,000 electricity meters with new intelligent meters with the latest technology. Kamstrup has won the negotiation process for delivering a complete solution of smart metering. The insights created by the new solution will help Göteborg Energi handle some of the future challenges facing the electricity grid like electric cars, local electricity production and a general increase in the electrification of society. Simultaneously, the solution offers end-consumers the opportunity to take control of their energy consumption, and thereby providing them the ability to reduce their impact on the environment.

“With Kamstrup as our partner, we have a partner with many years of experience within the industry. Kamstrup’s solution will help us comply to future legislation, ensure that our delivery of electricity is of high quality and give our customers a positive experience during the replacement of the meters,“ says Lars Edström, CEO at Göteborg Energi Nät AB and Business Manager for electricity and gas network at Göteborg Energi. “The agreement includes a secure, reliable and developable solution which contributes to strengthening Göteborg Energi and our customers during the transition to a more electrified society.

” When the replacement project is completed, Kamstrup will be responsible for the support, maintenance and continuous development to ensure that Göteborg Energi is not only compliant with current legislation, but also able to take advantage of new possibilities within the grid.

“We are very happy that Göteborg Energi has chosen a quality solution based on the latest technology and has showed that they trust us as a long-term partner, “ says Jesper Daugaard, Vice President Nordic Region at Kamstrup in Sweden. “As experts within electricity and district heating we see Göteborg Energi as one of our most important partners. We look forward to helping Göteborg Energi create even more value for their customers, through the insights our solution gives them.

” As a turnkey supplier Kamstrup has a solid experience from similar projects, for instance in Copenhagen, where Kamstrup was responsible for replacing more than 1 million meters and afterwards handling the system operation for all these meters.

Göteborg Energi will have their first meters replaced during 2023, and the project will be run until the end of 2024.

OMNIA® e-meter: The powerful engine behind the intelligent grid

Göteborg Energi will implement the latest technology including the new OMNIA e-meter

Contact regarding this press release:

Louise Vestergaard-Hansen, Brand & Communication Manager Tlf. +45 89 93 10 00