Currently, non-revenue water makes up more than half of Ghana’s total water consumption. This is both a conse-quence of many consumers not having a water meter installed and unknown leaks in the pipes between the con-sumers and the utility resulting in water waste.
“Non-revenue water make up 50% of our water consumption. It is a number we would very much like to reduce by 5% each year until reaching 20-25%. We believe this to be possible through the means of intelligent metering,” says Michael Botse-Baidoo, Chief Manager Project Planning and Development at Ghana Water.
Meters supporting remote reading are set to make the reading process much more convenient for both consumers and utilities as it will replace manual reading of the meters. Besides operational efficiency, remote reading will be able to give the utility many possibilities with the data they can collect from the remote read meters.
Besides the agreement with Ghana Water, Kamstrup has already established collaborations with other partners and clients in the energy industry of Ghana and has currently supplied more than 100,000 electricity meters for the Electricity Company of Ghana among others.