Protect your assets from harmonic distortion with OMNIA® 6
With powerful electricity meters and highly granular data, the new OMNIA® 6 suite helps you ensure stable power, make optimal use of your assets, and prepare for the future by identifying the causes of harmonic distortion in your grid.

When your customers complain about flickering LEDs in their homes or unreliable factory equipment, the root cause is often harmonic distortion in the grid which reduces the quality of the electrical power. However, identifying the causes of the issue, and the exact nature of the distortion, has traditionally been difficult.
The OMNIA® 6 suite can help
The new Kamstrup OMNIA® 6 suite gives you an efficient and reliable tool for identifying the causes of harmonic distortion in your grid – and great opportunities for doing something about the problem.
There are three main reasons why the OMNIA® 6 suite is so well suited for dealing with harmonic distortion:

High processor power
With new and improved processors, the OMNIA® e-meters can measure harmonics efficiently and in great detail, making it easier for you to identify and locate the source of disturbances.
Precision metering
Due to the high quality of measurements and the unique way of processing measured data, the OMNIA® e-meters give you a granular overview of each metering point. With a relatively small number of OMNIA® e-meter installations, the data gives you a complete overview of your entire area.
Improved data transfer
IoT technology allows you to efficiently transfer billing and power quality data over the cellular network, giving you the right data at the right time for simultaneously running and optimizing your business.
Examples of issues with harmonic distortion
- A transformer substation in Sweden overheated while running at only 25% of its maximum load. The cause was harmonic distortion.
- At a Danish dairy farm, a milking robot frequently failed, causing significant losses. The problem was caused by harmonic distortion from a frequency converter.
- A Danish substation became very hot, melting a SIM card and several plastic components. The overheating was caused by harmonic distortion from digital inverters at two nearby solar farms.
An increasing problem
Not only is harmonic distortion annoying to your customers; it can lead to severe financial and operational problems for you as a DSO because it drastically increases asset wear and reduces the capacity of the electricity grid.
The problem will increase over the coming years because it is frequently caused by electronic loads such as EVs, heat pumps, and frequency converters. As the green transformation progresses, such devices become more popular; in other words, the increasing electrification of society increases the challenges of harmonic distortion.
As electricity consumption is expected to grow up to 300% by 2030, you need to make optimal use of existing assets – and invest wisely in new ones when needed – and harmonic distortion therefore needs to be held at bay.
An efficient and reliable solution
With the data provided by the OMNIA® 6 suite, you can quickly identify the sources of harmonic distortion. The data will show you where to look, and it will do so immediately. With several OMNIA® e-meters, you can compare and correlate data from several consumers to conduct detailed analyses. You do not need to wait for expensive, time-consuming, and incomplete onsite measurements.
With data-driven analysis in the OMNIA® 6 suite, you can:
utilize substations and distribution cables optimally
ensure stable operation and keep your customers satisfied
identify and remedy causes of distortion locally
save money on liability for damages when incidents do happen>
In short, with OMNIA® 6 suite you get data that helps you run better today and prepare for the future.

Whitepaper: How to prevent harmonic distortion from becoming business distortion
Modern electricity metering lets you quickly identify the causes of harmonic distortion in your grid.
Granular meter data provides a simple solution to a problem that has previously been complex, time-consuming, and expensive to resolve.
Discover how, and plan for a future of increased electrification.
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Preparing you for the future
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