Meter reading
Energy efficiency

Drive-by data collection

Drive-by meter reading enables you to reduce costs related to manually collecting meter data

Drive-by data collection

Manual data collection costs

Number of meters to read (meters/year)
* Manual data collection cost (EUR/meter)

Drive-by data collection costs

Number of meters to read (meters/year)
* Drive-by data collection cost (EUR/meter)


Manual data collection costs
- Drive-by data collection costs

* First name is required
* Last name is required
* Email is required
*Company is required
* Postal code is required
* City is required
* Country is required
* State is required
* Province/territory is required

Proof points

80 % of meters are read automatically by garbage trucks 

Langeland Water Supply, Denmark

Operations optimisation and improved customer service with remote reading

Assens Water Supply and Assens District Heating

Related calculations