It’s time to know more about communication technologies

To IoT or not to IoT?

Is that even the right question?

Right now, your heat/cooling utility is on an exciting smart metering journey – with many different communication technologies to choose from.

There is a multitude of options ranging from the well-known M-Bus based protocols to the hype-generating IoT newcomers. Finding your way through this jungle can be a daunting task, but if your business needs are the needle in your compass, you will end up in the right place. On this page, we cover the pros and cons of different technologies to help you on your way.

Note: the mentioned technologies are mainly designed for the European (EU) market. For other markets please contact Kamstrup.

Which communication technology is right for you?

Figuring out which wireless communication technology is best for your business can be difficult: Do you go for M-Bus based protocols or IoT newcomers like NB-IoT and LoRaWAN®?

Our latest whitepaper on communication technologies for smart heat/cooling metering guides you to find the perfect solution for your system. Check it out. It’s time to know!

Webinar series: The implications of 2G and 3G network shutdown for utilities

The 2G and 3G networks are being shut down, having implications for utilities that are using meter equipment reliant on these networks.

To help utilities understand the implications of this shutdown, we've hosted a series of three webinars.

First define your business needs. Then choose technology.

What are your requirements for battery lifetime, data frequency and network range?

Do you only need data for billing?

Or also for analytics in order to optimise operations?

Do you want full control over your network?

Or would you prefer to leave the responsibility to industry experts?

What is the reality of your business?
... now, that’s the question!

Kamstrup view of the different technologies

The choice is yours and the next step is up to you.

Whichever communication technology you decide on, you should always be sure to evaluate your needs first. Is your ambition to optimize your business to make sure your utility stays competitive in the future? Is your primary concern to be certain, you deliver what you promise? Do you want to be able to locate leaks and heat loss in real time? These are all things to consider, before you choose your communication technology. Basically, with heat/cooling meters from Kamstrup, you can choose all, but your benefit will depend on the technology you choose.

Let's break it down

  • linkIQ®
  • Wireless M-bus
  • LoRaWAN®
  • NB-IoT
  • 2G/4G

70% fewer antenna sites

DIN Forsyning, Denmark

Using the new meter reading method linkIQ®, DIN Forsyning was able to significantly reduce the number of required antenna sites in the city of Esbjerg. The field test met the utility’s high expectations and has paved the way for simpler work routines, better customer service and a more efficient utility.

Operations optimisation and improved customer service with remote reading

Assens Water Supply and Assens District Heating, Denmark

A common focus on the best possible use of resources and good customer service formed the basis for the two utilities collaborating on the READy network reading of water and heat meters. In addition to halving the costs associated with establishing the radio network, the cooperation resulted in a doubling of the solution’s benefits.

Data creates value for utility, end users and city

Næstved District Heating, Denmark

By using hourly values from smart meters to optimise their operations and business, Næstved District Heating has lowered their forward temperature by 10 degrees, return temperature by 5 degrees and pipeline losses by 8%. Going forward, the utility expects to see even better results despite the fact that their original business case did not include the value of data.

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