API Access for seamless sharing of READy data with other systems

What is API Access?

Kamstrup API Access provides a secure way for READy to share data with other systems, such as customer portals, GIS, or SCADA. This enables the creation of a digital ecosystem where information from different systems is shared, allowing you to improve your customer service and optimise operations and existing workflows.

API Access is an add-on to READy for those who wish to transfer data easily and securely between their systems. API Access is available to existing Kamstrup-hosted READy customers. It cannot be offered to local READy installations. You continue to have the features in READy you already know, while API Access creates a more fluid information delivery and an integrated user experience when you use READy.

Kamstrup provides a safe way for utilities and third-party developers to develop and test requests through API Access by offering a testing environment we call a sandbox. With this option, it is possible to make the integration and application robust before introducing it into production.

What is an API?

An application programming interface (or API) is code that functions as a bridge between different systems – often from different suppliers, which allows two or more systems to communicate and share data regardless of their underlying architectures or technologies.

5 reasons to integrate API Access with READy today

Explore the benefits of API Access. When you integrate the software solution with READy, you gain new features and benefits without losing the features you already know from READy.

Comparing API Access to READy export feature. What’s the difference?

In the following, we have highlighted key differences so you can compare the features of API Access to the READy export feature. When you integrate Kamstrup API Access, you continue to have the READy export feature – you just add more options and allow for more efficient transfer of data and greater control when working with meter data.

API Access for developers: How does API Access work?

Kamstrup API Access is code which governs access points for the READy server. It works in two ways: As a standard REST (Representational State Transfer) API, which is a web service that allows a client to make requests for resources from READy through URL paths, utilising the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This is similar to when you visit a regular webpage where you request a resource stored on a server, and the server responds with the requested information.

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