Expertise and flexibility ensures happy residents

Arbejdernes Andels Boligforening (AAB), Aarhus, Denmark

Through a long-standing cooperation, Kamstrup has delivered tailored solutions on a variety of metering projects that have improved the everyday operations of the AAB housing association. This has resulted in efficient leak surveillance, invoicing of residents based on actual consumption as well as the desired supplier independence that AAB wanted.

With more than 70 different departments, Arbejdernes Andels Boligforening (AAB) is the oldest public housing association in the Danish city of Aarhus. AAB saw the need to replace the mechanical meters installed in many of their buildings and were looking for a partner, who could deliver reliable, highquality solutions while also meeting their desire to handle the major part of the operations after installations, themselves.

More than just a supplier
As a supplier of intelligent water, heat and electricity meters, reading systems for different needs and service solutions of all kinds, Kamstrup was able to provide what AAB was looking for: a solution that meets their requirements today and their expectations for the future.

”It was an incredibly easy decision for us. Kamstrup is the Rolls-Royce of meters,” explains Leif Richardt, Energy Technician at AAB.

“And what is even more important, we have different types of buildings and therefore different kinds of needs, and the expertise and flexibility from the supplier becomes crucial to make sure we choose the right solutions. We had the feeling Kamstrup could deliver this.”

What started out as a single project was the beginning of a good, long-lasting cooperation. Since 2010, all new buildings constructed by AAB have had heat and water meters from Kamstrup installed. Likewise, Kamstrup is the supplier for the exchange of meters in older properties. So far, Kamstrup has delivered solutions on 12 different AAB projects ranging in size from 100 to 1000 metering points.

AAB specifically did not want to depend on one supplier for the total administration of consumption. With Kamstrup, they have the chance to do the billing themselves, host their data as well as take care of the remote reading of the meters themselves.

Thanks to the flexibility at Kamstrup, we are able to choose which part of the total solution for administering consumption we want to take responsibility for and how much we leave to others. That is very important to us,
- Leif Richardt, Energy Engineer at AAB.

Good service and fair invoicing

AAB now has a reliable solution, they feel comfortable with.

”I have great trust in the quality. Our needs for service repairs of the meters are minimal, and any challenge, we have had has been handled with great seriousness at Kamstrup to help us solve it as quickly as possible. That is of great importance to us and the service we offer our customers,” Leif emphasizes.

The intelligent meters also significantly ease the process of collecting consumption data. The residents no longer have to be involved and AAB spends a lot less time on data collection. In addition, the residents are now invoiced based on their actual consumption rather than an estimated consumption. More fair, most people would say.

Savings with efficient leak surveillance 
With the MULTICAL® 21 intelligent water meter it is now also much easier to identify leaks and water loss. In one department with old, mechanical meters, AAB had previously experienced an annual water loss of 17% over a two-year period. When they installed intelligent meters from Kamstrup, they were able to compare the consumption of different buildings and detect a significantly higher water consumption at some locations. This made it easy to locate the leak and repair the damage, effectively minimising the extra bill that the residents received. For the benefit of both AAB, their residents and the environment.

Some residents even like to know the details of their consumption. With the intelligent meters, we can also offer them this insight, as we can read the data whenever we want and with a much higher level of detail than previously. That builds up trust to us as a housing association,
- says Leif.

About the project:

  • Customer: Arbejdernes Andels Boligforening (AAB) 
  • Solution: MULTICAL® 21, MULTICAL® 602 
    and MULTICAL® 402 and MULTICAL® 302 
  • Meter reading with PcBase. 
  • Timeframe: The cooperation began in 2010.



  • Light House: 52 leases, 104 electricity meters and heat meters
  • Skovvangsparken: 112 leases, 116 electricity meters
  • Frydenlund: 150 leases, 300 hot water meters and cold water meters
  • Mølleparken: 282 leases, 295 water meters
  • Brohaven: 82 leases, 82 hot water meters and cold water meters
  • Æblelunden: 46 leases, 322 electricity meters, heat meters and water meters
  • Skådeparken: 289 leases, 300 heat meters
  • Bushøjen: 129 leases, 129 heat meters
  • Nøddeskrænten: 199 leases, 199 heat meters
  • Veriparken: 519 leases, 1038 water meters and heat meters
  • Trillegården: 309 leases, 309 heat meters
  • Nordbyen Dobbelthuse: 40 water meters and heat meters