Emirates District Cooling LLC (Emicool) is a leading District Cooling Service Providers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). With six strategically located operational plants, the company’s capacity is in the excess of 330,800 RT including reticulation pipe network and Energy Transfer Stations. Using innovative processes and technologies, Emicool provides a robust, efficient and cost-effective alternative to conventional cooling systems. For 10 years, Emicool has trusted Kamstrup to be their smart metering solutions partner for district cooling projects helping them accurately measure and manage cooling energy provided to their customers. One of those projects is the Green Community villas colony in Dubai.

Complete smart metering solution

High-end residential villas in Green Community are located in Dubai Investments Park (DIP), a unique, self-contained mixed-use industrial, commercial and residential complex.

Energy services for DIP are managed and operated by Emicool and they were therefore looking for a solution that not only measures the energy consumption accurately but also provides meter data and timely billing in a hassle-free manner. As they wanted to track consumption very closely, they were also on the lookout for automation of the meter reading and data management in order to reduce manpower efforts and optimise operations.
Kamstrup delivered a complete smart metering solution that included MULTICAL® 403 smart cooling meters for each of the villas, a READy fixed network solution for remote reading and READy Manager software for quick and easy data collection and management. In addition, all the meter data is hosted by Kamstrup at local servers.

Emicool has installed a total of 1,100 BTU meters for Green Community (East and West) and the solution has been running successfully since 2017. They are highly satisfied with the system performance as well as the support received from the local Kamstrup sales team, and their investment in an advanced metering solution has started showing results.

Improved operations and satisfied customers

The new meters are communicating hourly data automatically to the server through the READy network, which has made meter data collection and billing period much easier, faster and more efficient. This not only results in very high customer satisfaction, it has also greatly reduced the manpower required to manage operations and maintenance as they no longer have to go around the community manually.

In addition, Emicool reports that people have become more energy conscious, which has resulted in a decrease in consumption leading to significant energy savings.

About the project

Project Name
Green Community (East and West), a residential villa colony in Dubai Investment Park, Dubai, UAE

Kamstrup Solution
MULTICAL® 403, READy fixed network solution for remote meter reading, READy Manager software, data hosting

Number of meters
1,100 smart meters

Main challenges resolved
Optimize operations with remote reading solution, Encourage consumers to save energy with accurate and reliable metering system.

A long-term partnership

The longevity of this partnership is particularly due to the well-known pinpoint accuracy, high-quality data and reliability that characterises Kamstrup products.

As a result, Emicool is happy with the cooperation and have a positive outlook on future business.