From guesswork to real data-driven insight with Power Intelligence
Power Intelligence, Power Flow, analytics
Even though Zeanet has metering from another company, Kamstrup helped provide data-driven insight into their network with Power Intelligence. Through data and analytics, Zeanet will see exactly what is going on in their network in almost real-time. A huge upgrade from their previous model of using experience and guesswork.
Electricity utilities must prepare for the future. The green transition is here, and with today’s technological advances, it is possible to go green while saving money, gaining insight, and improving customer service through data and analytics.
Zeanet is no different. They wanted an easy overview of their electricity meters, substations, cable boxes and cables. Particularly to see which cables in their grid need changing first, gain a better overview of their cables to manage loads, and make sure customers pay for their consumption as exactly as possible.
“In the past, it was difficult and time-consuming to get an overview in such detail. Therefore, it was necessary to use rules of thumb and rough calculations to estimate, but we didn’t actually have a complete overview. Now, we can see it all in almost real-time and know exactly what is going on,” explains Henrik Adelsten, Operations Manager at Zeanet, and adds:
“I can now see when consumption peaks, I can see the trends in the networks, and I can see which cables are under the most pressure and might need to be changed. All it takes is the click of a button.”
Welcome to real-time data and insights of the future
When first discussing the possibility of working together, Zeanet needed to know how exactly Kamstrup’s Power Intelligence software would help. It’s all well and good that it is smart and fancy, but what are the actual use-cases and why should we buy it, they asked.
Not only does Power Intelligence give you an overview of your network, it also saves you money, time, and energy. But the proof is in the pudding, so we set up a proof-of-concept with Zeanet, and the results were fantastic!
“When we saw the proof-of-concept, we ran around with our hands in the air. I thought: Wow, that’s amazing! I have never seen anything like it before. We had to have it. I realised that we hadn’t really known our network before; now we could see it all,” says Henrik Adelsten.
“We have seen the light, and I think we will be very happy with it,” says Carsten Lunde, Chief of Energy at Zeanet.
With Power Intelligence, Zeanet can see their network in almost real-time and see data on a very precise level on every meter. The data can be put into a GIS map to get an easy overview.
“This is the tool of the future. It’s easy to use, and we can find things that previously were like finding a needle in a haystack. With Power Flow, we get lots of data points and a great overview. It helps us estimate consumption needs with 98% certainty, whereas before, we had to hire people externally, and they would need 3-4 weeks to calculate it,” explains Henrik Adelsten.
Results from data-driven optimisations
Great for the utility, great for the customer
While Power Intelligence is great for Zeanet, it is also beneficial to Zeanet’s customers. Now, they will get more accurate readings of their consumption, so they pay exactly for what they consume, and Zeanet can make sure that their customers have the right cables for the job.
It also allows Zeanet to better advise customers how they can save energy and thereby money by having a much better insight into their exact consumption.
“Minimising your energy loss is like insulating your house - it’s sustainability. All losses are heat flying straight up in the air. The same happens with electricity. The customers do things in good faith, but sometimes it wastes a lot of energy. With Power Flow, many will get a lower network tariff,” says Carsten Lunde.
He sees data as essential for future business, customer service and sustainability. The electricity consumption of the future will be higher, so there will be more to save with the correct data.
”Over the last 20 years, utilities have gotten more data and overview of their business. You make full use of your infrastructure. Those that have data sit on a gold mine. The more we know about our customers, the more we can make sure that everything is correct,” says Carsten Lunde.
Local partnership helps drive innovation and save money
There was one challenge new to Kamstrup when helping Zeanet get data, analytics and insight into their network: The electricity meters they use are not from Kamstrup but Landis & Gyr.
No problem said our Technology division, who successfully onboarded the 3rd party electricity meters into Kamstrup analytics despite it being the first time trying so.
So now Zeanet has access to great operational benefits to their network, tons of insight and data, and a local partnership, where we speak the same language making it easy to work together.
“We needed a solution that was convenient, easy and effective. We could implement Kamstrup’s solution cheaply and easily. We didn’t have to invest hundreds of thousand EUR in software systems,” says Carsten Lunde.
“It is a great benefit that we have access to Danish-speaking support. Kamstrup listens to our ideas, and you ask us, what we need, and seem happy to help and have a passion for developing with us. Together with Kamstrup, we have helped invent the wheel instead of getting it placed in our hands. We haven’t experienced being listened to so much before,” adds Henrik Adelsten.
About the project
- Metering points: 26,500 Landis & Gyr meters
- Solution: Power Flow
- Analytics: Power Intelligence