The future holds many exciting possibilities and challenges for Nord Energi Net and other utilities. Regulations are getting more ambitious, so utilities have to report data every 15 minutes – four times as much data as presently. Kamstrup’s meters are part of the solution.
“The meters open up many possibilities. I think we will use them for network analysis and how we should dimension our network in the future - and to see if there are places that become overloaded, so we can intervene before the error occurs instead of after,” says Peter Jensen.
Nord Energi Net has 2,600 Kamstrup meters on their transformers. This enables them to make sure they aren’t missing any consumption by comparing total usage on the transformer with each consumer’s total consumption. This has led to some peculiar findings.
“We have found four cannabis labs that were using our power, but not paying for it. I have a case next week regarding 7,000 EUR from this, so the meters pay for themselves quickly. We would not have found them without the Kamstrup meters on our transformers, and we plan to utilise them even more in the future,” says Peter Jensen.
He has seen a lot of changes during the last 33 years and sees even more coming in the future with increasing knowledge, accurate data and technology providing intelligent solutions for utilities and customers.
“When technology enables it, the need arises. Today, we can retrieve data and monitor many things, but only 5-10% of the data is used. In the future, we want to have a systematic overview of charging stations and heat pumps that could cause distortions in the network, and we want to work further with things like voltage, max effect and neutral fault. The future is knowledge,” says Peter Jensen.