The challenge:Prepare the electrical grid to meet future challenges

The green conversion has now reached Ikast, making big demands on the stability of the electrical grid. More and more electrical vehicles are appearing in the carports of new suburban areas, and many homes are becoming heated by heat pumps. These new energy-intensive solutions will put an unprecedented strain on the electrical grid.

Therefore, ensuring enough electricity for all consumers requires knowledge of precisely where the strains arise and where grid reinforcement is needed to avoid problems with a lack of or too much voltage in the cables.

The Solution: Data provides an overview of the load on and status of the electrical grid

The analytical tools Power Flow and Power Quality Monitoring enable Energi Ikast to extract data from around 9,000 intelligent Kamstrup meters. The tools make it possible to monitor the exact amount of power consumed by each individual household, take readings of the load on cables, cable cabinets and transformers and detect faults before they cause major damage. This precise overview enables the utility to identify any cables that need replacement, which makes it possible to plan grid investments based on actual need, instead of automatically replacing components based on service life, as previously. And thanks to vast time savings, fewer repairs and higher revenues from customers, the solution has quickly paid for itself.
Kamstrup’s analytical tools keep us on top of things before fuses blow.
- Carsten Aagaard, Operations Manager, Energi Ikast.

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We deliver an integrated solution covering the entire value chain for intelligent metering, which is why we make it possible for utilities to simplify their operation of intelligent meters and manage an efficient grid.

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