Automatic Meter Reading

Collect Your Data on the Go
With READy Mobile Reading (AMR), you can easily read the utility's meters remotely directly from your car. As you read the meters, you gain access to both consumption data and any alarms regarding leakages and other irregularities.
You simply drive around your billing routes with an Android smartphone or tablet and Kamstrup’s converter unit. The reading is handled intuitively via the READy App and takes place automatically while you drive. The meters are identified on a map on your smartphone. When you drive, the map displays the nearby meters and shows which are being read and which remain to be read.
Your future network starts here
Our Kamstrup AMR and AMI solutions are simple, scalable and modular. You can start with AMR and seamlessly transition to AMI. Both the AMR and AMI components are designed for simple installation and commissioning, making it easy to build a solution today that can work for you tomorrow.
If you have READy Mobile Reading (AMR), you can increase the data collection frequency of selected important meters without the cost required to establish a full communications network for your entire distribution area. You simply combine your regular drive by readings with a small-scale AMI network by placing READy Collectors to collect hourly interval data for you strategic customers.
Delivering AMI to Address Water Utility Growth
Discover how Greer Commission of Public Works revolutionized water management and customer experiences.