Third Party Interoperability

One size does not fit all
Despite the fact that the water industry has many universal challenges and shared strategies, some might say there’s only one thing every utility has in common: water. That’s because water management is a very localized practice. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions for water. When flexibility and independence is critical, Kamstrup’s encoded output (EO) solution is the answer. Our EO portfolio delivers the absolute best in metering – think high quality, ultrasonic metering with ultra low flow range and 20-year warranty – paired with easy interoperability, enabling utilities to capture more data, insight and revenue without a solution-wide mandate.
Customer-first collaboration and flexibility
In the field of smart metering, Kamstrup stands apart thanks to its innovative approach to encoded output, delivering more data and simplifying interoperability. Because Kamstrup meters are designed to provide our standard and advanced alarms to your system provider you will get the full benefit of our robust intelligent water meters allowing you flexibility.
Delivering AMI to Address Water Utility Growth
Discover how Greer Commission of Public Works revolutionized water management and customer experiences.