The Next Generation of Smart Meters is Here

Intelligent Meters Listen and Learn
Kamstrup meters are more than smart. They deliver more than integrated smart technology. They do more than meter water. Kamstrup meters are equipped with ultrasonic technology and listen with unmatched acuity. Kamstrup’s flowIQ® 2200 is the only residential meter available in North America to feature integrated Acoustic Leak Detection and the only meter with the ability to catch distribution side leaks.
Our metrology portfolio is focused, using only ultrasonic and solid state technology. At Kamstrup, quality comes first which is why Kamstrup customers are our best advocates. Once you experience Kamstrup, you’ll see that they outperform all other meters in accuracy, reliability, low flow detection and interoperability. If you haven’t seen a Kamstrup meter in action, it’s time to change that.