Calefacción urbana
Eficiencia energética

Una red de distribución
Una visión de conjunto
Un valor añadido

Tiene dos opciones

Enfrentar la gestión energética con un poco de desasosiego por las nuevas demandas y desafíos que se avecinan, o ver increíbles oportunidades para crear un nuevo valor. En Kamstrup, hemos creado una nueva plataforma estructurada e inspiradora que hará fácil dar el siguiente paso hacia el negocio sostenible. A través de la medición inteligente obtiene información que le proporciona transparencia total sobre SU red de energía y un conocimiento tangible para que avance su negocio.

Heat Intelligence - Cuando sabes lo que sucede bajo tierra ...

Eres capaz de:

  • Localizar tus pérdidas de calor
  • Documentar tu calidad de servicio
  • Controlar tu carga y capacidad
  • Identificar los problemas de tu red

Introducing SCADA for district heating distribution

The value embedded in smart meter data is undeniable, but unlocking that value requires the right tools. Kamstrup’s new analytics platform, Heat Intelligence, is a direct result of our continuous investment in maximising the value our customers get from their data.

The business case for digitalised district heating

The decarbonisation of heating systems is no longer a question of ‘if’ but rather ‘how soon’. With increasing focus from all industry levels on the potential in district heating as the vehicle to make it happen, it is crucial to use current positive developments as stepping stones to making the digitalisation of district heating a reality.

We have looked at the business case of moving to remotely read meters and the potential for optimization.

7 articles about digitalisation and energy efficient heat supply

Digitalisation – buzz or business?

The continued development of district heating calls for digitalization of everything, 
from technologies to workflows and analysis tools to support utilities in their 
work tasks and decisions - but can digitalization deliver what it promises?

The new energy reality

Today’s energy challenges call for smarter and more energy
efficient cities focusing on sustainable resource utilisation.

Shifting focus and raising the bar

The integration of renewables and waste heat requires intelligent cross-sector
energy systems. The intelligent and integrated energy system focuses on high
energy efficiency in order to reduce energy waste.

The need for efficiency

Greater efficiency and better utilization of the capacity in the existing network 
rather than expanding and upgrading pipelines represents considerable savings 
for district heating utilities because it allows them to defer or completely avoid 
investments in assets that tie up capital for many years to come.

Transparency is key

The prerequisite for high energy efficiency and the very foundation
of the green transition is transparency. Only the frequent data provided 
by smart metering enables transparency.

Engaging the end user

Smart metering technology allows district heating utilities to target poor 
user behavior and lets consumers take an active part in achieving 
a sustainable energy future.

District heating in the future

Cutting-edge technology and increased digitalisation combined with the know-how 
and ambitions of experienced industry players will drive district heating to the next level. 
The future starts today!


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